“The month of October, ushered an unprecedented humanitarian action, going down in the history of Sierra Leone as the first Nation-Wide Educational Intervention for children and orphans of war affected amputees.
Melqosh Mission International working in partnership with Scarlet Haven Foundation rendered Scholarships (provision of School, College and University fees, plus Educational packs and bags, uniforms, school shoes etc) to three hundred and thirty-o two beneficiaries, including young war affected amputees. This charitable activity was a National rollout; children, orphans and young amputees living in Amputee Camps in Western Area, Northern, Southern and Eastern Provinces of Sierra Leone benefited from this great subvention.
Read more at:
“Melqosh Mission International is one such organization. Melqosh works with Amputees of the Sierra Leone Civil War helping them through the daily challenges of life, education and skills training for self-reliance.
Read more at: www.scarlethavenfoundation.org/partners-2/”
In August 2018, the new Government of Sierra Leone launched President Julius Maada Bio’s Free Quality School Education initiative. Though designed to help many vulnerable communities, it has failed to extend the programme to the children of war amputees – the direct victims of Sierra Leone’s ten-year civil war which ended 16 years ago, says Melqosh Mission International.
According to the IRIN News report, war rebels in Sierra Leone brutally chopped off the limbs of around 27,000 people during one of West Africa’s bloodiest wars. According to the Amputee and War Wounded Association, Sierra Leone barely has 2,000 war amputees alive today.
Read more at: https://www.thesierraleonetelegraph.com/why-sierra-leones-children-of-war-amputees-denied-access-to-free-education/
“Melqosh Mission International in collaboration with Scarlet Haven Foundation has supported over 331 children of war amputees with learning materials and school fees worth 480 million leones.
Read more at: http://ayvnews.com/AYVNews/index.php/news/item/4305-war-amputees-receive-support“